K-Drama: Happy Time, Miss Ripley 미스 리플리


The story begins with a young woman named Jang Mi-ri (Lee Da-hae) who escaped from the power of a Japanese man who hired him at a place of entertainment. Was not the life he wanted, Jang Mi-ri took the opportunity in one night to escape and return home to Seoul.In Seoul, Jang Mi-ri meet two very different men, namely Jang Myung-hoon (Kim Seung-woo) and Yutaka (Micky Yoochun). Jang Myung-hoon is an ambitious hotelier who maintain perfect control of himself and his life, while Yutaka is the heir to the hotel business-blooded Japanese and Koreans are feeling warm and soft.But they fell in love with Jang Mi-ri which is a complicated woman whose life is full of lies, driven by a greedy desire that comes from his childhood the poor. Left by his mother when the Mi-ri was a child and a father who later died, Mi-ri was later adopted by a couple of Japanese citizens.Unfortunately, instead of affection and the acquisition of education, hard work but should take care of a household slave. It was later established the nature and determination Jang Mi-ri to obtain a better life and status. In order to get his wish, Mi-ri did not hesitate to take any means whatsoever including lying and cunning.


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