I don't know about you But I'm feeling 22

 Finally lagunya Taylor Swift (my Idol) happens to me. lol.

Aku ini bisa dibilang takut tua, bahkan aku pernah mikir that it's fine for me to die in a young age as long as it's after my 17th Birthday (pengen party dulu pas 17. lol.). I really have the fear of aging that time, now I have more fear to death lol.

But then Taylor Swift's song 22 come out on 2013, if I'm not mistaken. Make me realise that when you're in your 20's, you have your own 自由. lol. 20's should be fun, even more fun than your teenage years, like you finally legal to do anything. Ya aku tau sih 21 itu umur legal buat ini itu, cuma 22 kan bisa lebih ini itu, ibarat kayak 21 itu kan tahun legalnya orang masih nganggep nya tuh anak baru gede gitu.

Well, even though Taylor Swift's 22 music video is not really happening on me right now (during pandemic, and other reasons, I really wish I can go to a club and celebrate my 22nd bday). But, to be honest I'm really grateful for the person I've become. I finally finished my high school. Eventhough, sadly, I did not get my Diploma Degree. Yet. (Back in Indonesia I was only homeschool to get my O level or As Level, then I move to Taiwan and start all over again, and I finished it but I only get certificate of attendence).

So In Taiwan you can still graduate from High School even if you don't receive diploma, you will get certificate of attendance instead. Some universities still accept it (if you direct enroll to the university). I don't really understand about taking University entrance exam. 

Jadi di Taiwan ini lucunya lulusnya ada 2 macem, ibarat bisa dapet ijazah atau paket C, walaupun sama sama dari sekolah formal.

A lot of things happened in my 21st, all the feelings thoughts bener bener campur aduk. I've never been in so much ups and downs, roller coaster. Adjusting to a new role aand purpose is hard. But I feel so much readier for my 22nd. (is that a word? probably no)

One of the biggest achievement, is that I get to know my readers. I can't thankful enough for your time reading my shitty writings lol.

You know what, aku bahkan proudly nulis kalo I’m a blogger in my university entrance autobiography. Aku sekarang segitu pedenya bilang kalo aku ini blogger. Semua ini tuh berkat kalian.

Walaupun sekarang total of my blog visits itu baru 25000 (mungkin bahkan 2000nya ini aku aku sediri yang ngeliat, buat ngecek error ato sekedar pengen share link. Hahaha.

All I wanna say is thank you, thank you and thank you. Walaupun dulu aku kena bully, dll, tapi kalian help me to reach this point. Kalian bantu aku buat makin hari makin betah di Taiwan dan buat aku semangat buat tetep berkarya lewat tulisan - tulisanku.

Dulu aku bahkan kayak ga punya purpose of life, even after ke Taiwan. Tapi these 2 years especially, it feels like I get that purpose, buat berguna berbagi pengalaman & ngebantu orang through my writings.

I bener bener ga bisa berenti berterima kasih ama kalean semua.. ❤️❤️

Thank you for all of you reading this.

With love. 

Michiko Akane 👩🏻


  1. Hi..i'? Back...maksudnya gmana ka, apa tidak semua murid dpt ijazah stlh lulus smk?
    Trus kk jdnya lanjutin kuliah yg program 3+4 atau engga?

    1. Halo Xixi

      Dapet ijazah kok, ijazah ini ada 2 macem.. ya sama kayak indo, ijazah paket C kan juga ijazah..

      Kuliahku ambil program regular.. jadi bukan kuliah lanjutan..

      Michiko Akane

  2. hallo cii... ciic boleh bantu untuk tulis secara detail barang" apa aja yang perlu di bawa saat ketaiwan? kalo boleh thankyou yaa ciii❤️


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