Just A quick Update.
I wanna say thank you to all of my readers. I've reached 11k readers so far on my blog, and it feels amazing. Tbh, I've never imagined that this blog becomes popular and be number 1 on google search. All of you made it for me. I can't be thankful enough. I'm so thankful for you who regularly read my blog. Who always waited for my update. I'm sorry that my blog update is not as quick as my insta story. haha. Sometimes I just don't know what to write, or some other time I did write but I don't feel posting it. Cause deep inside I don't wanna give false infos. However, go to Taiwan, is a big step, and I don't want all of you to be in trouble or whatsoever. Cause, Taiwan and any other country is different, they have different law and stuff. Based on personal experience, I was so clueless about everything in Taiwan, I don't want my junior also become one of me and caught red-handed doing stupid stuff that actually is not a problem in Indonesia but f...