Diary In Taiwan #4


I think this is one of the most important part when you come to a new country.  Food is really important to our lives, believe it or not, I gained weight here.. Food is usually some common things that usually consume by the local. And that's also how they have change by the time.

You may know some Taiwanese Snacks, like bubble tea (or boba tea, ), and that famous chicken pie (a.k.a Jipai). That two snacks is really popular. They also available in some malls in Indonesia since few years ago. So it's not new for me, those things.

Let's talk about the Bubble Tea first. Bubble tea or Pearl Milk Tea or in Mandarin will be 珍珠奶茶 (zhēnzhū nǎichá)
Pearl Matcha Latte From 50Lan

 is actually milk tea mix with with Tapioca balls (pearls), that invented first time in Taichung, Taiwan in the 80's. But now after 30 years founded, this bubble tea has developed to many types. You know what really crazy about this drink? They are all over the city! you can find it fucking anywhere!

I guess the locals really love this drink, and I think I had 10 cups of this drink in a month. They're addicting hahaha. I guess few years ago my dad even bring one that you should make by yourself by giving it water. They're actually pretty cheap and also pretty expensive, you can spend like 50NT per cup for it. That's not expensive if you work in Taiwan. 

In southeast Asia you may know Chatime (Malaysian brand Bubble tea), but in Indonesia, there's tens brands for bubble tea, let's say Teapresso, Calais. 

Cipai (Fried Chicken Fillet)

Stinky Tofu (chòudòufu)
This food may sounds like really disgusting but trust me, no, not at all.

 1000 Years Old Egg/Century Egg (Pitan)

This also sounds disgusting,, well when you see it you may also think that this is disgusting because its black color. But hey, it's okay to try and get one time experience right. We are all living for trying new things. 

Others food, there's bunch of food especially Pork but don't worry, there's beef, chicken and duck too!

Pork Rice

Pork here is very cheap!

 Curry Rice

 The taste of the curry is not like curry in Indonesia with bunch of flavor like in India. Curry here is more similar to Japanese Curry. So If you like Japanese Curry like me especially the mild one and not spicy AT ALL, I'm 100% sure you will love this!


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